As we grow older, certain behaviors naturally abate such as thumb-sucking
and bed-wetting but at the same time positive traits such limitless imagination and spontaneity also diminish.
Remember how a couple of blankets and pillows could transform the living room sofa into a magical fort? Or how
a humble bathroom towel could turn us into a superhero?
As time passes time we narrow down our vision..close our minds and stop being attracted to and exploring anything new and
exciting around us.
I, for awhile, have been involved in doing all childish stuff for my boys..such as making car garage, racing tracks for theirs cars, teddies and dolls out of old blankets and socks...jus to bring out the joy in the them! I jus luv to see the sparkle in their eyes...which now for my otherwise mundane life are like the beautiful stars in the dark sky!
So this time for Children’s Day I put in all my efforts to make a canopy bed out of my old sarees and got a small dim light fixed in between as a surprise for my little champs! And as expected they were exhilarated beyond wrds to have a tent house on their bed. They jumped like lil monkeys howling and buoyant with joy and finally slept under the cozy penumbra of their mother-made canopy.
This piece was a childish project and honestly as I was putting all my efforts to make this canopy and pestering my husband to help me wth the fixing and tying it did make me look quite ridiculous. Yet no one in my family laughed at me as I could see they themselves wanted to experience and feel the coziness under the tent/canopy, which we all loved and had done long long ago when we were children. So when I too got indulged with my kids in such meaningless innocent fun it rejuvenated me totally.
If you think about it, as we move ahead the phase of childhood we soon get lost in a maze of time management, new goals to be achieved, be an active participant of the rat race, etc.,which keeps snowballing with the passage of time... all for reaching the proverbial golden pot at the end of the rainbow.
Soon this pressure rises many-fold with marriage, family relations, social commitments, babysitting., etc.
Finally there is simply no time left for ourselves and we gradually forget to laugh and enjoy the little pleasures in our life as we rush from one obligation or task to another.
We even rarely laugh...not smile I mean laugh out we used to as a child!
Michael Pritchard has rightly said-
“You don’t stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing”!
So I have promised myself to untangle myself from the mental ruts and take cues
from my children to jolt me out of complacency and view the world from an entirely new n fresh approach even if it is for few moments at a time.
I have promised myself to take a step back and learn to view not jus problems but even people and various aspects of my life from a completely different point of view and regain the childishness in me that I have lost with age! I shall embrace my ignorance and not be embarrassed or blanched of the same.
I have promised myself to be oblivious of what other people think of me so that I can be free spirited to say what I mean and mean what I say.
I have promised myself to imbibe myself with the doggedness that a child possess so that I never give up on anything till I reach my goals!
I have promised myself to be open minded as my kids to help me new learn things and and to drop all my opinions of all
of those things and getting back to the
idea of trying to see things not as I see
them, but instead as they really are.
Believe and let go
Be curious and experience everything
Be receptive
Be humble and keep my ego in check
Be consistent and clear to build trust!
I shall fill my days with new experiences
new people, new discoveries and simply...simply be bouncy and effervescent with childlike joy all day...every day!
Enjoy and keep the child in you alive!
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