Embrace positive change in your life. "Wow! and how on earth am I supposed to do that?"... I used to wonder!
The word change always brought in a feel of resistance in me... may be because I very well know its not easy. Change means I would have to stretch out of my comfort zones and move forward in my life...which whether I like it or not, has changed.
I have realised living is a risk... so is happiness. U r bound to feel a little scared and uncomfortable sometimes, is it not?
N so I have stopped worrying about mistakes and failures, worrying about what I am giving up when I don’t even try😆.
I am going to stop worrying about the life I am not living and the opportunities I am forgoing, as I merely exist in the safety of my comfort zone.
I am giving myself permission to be one of the people who survived doing it wrong, who made mistakes, but recovered from them and grew into your strongest self. what say😎?
It feels great, so that’s what I wish for YOU too.
So basically I am embracing change and moving onward…coz...
☆ There’s plenty of life left to be lived.
It’s never too late to live a day that makes me proud. With every present moment God gives me a shot to make it great. Maybe today is the day! Being stuck in life is seriously a tragic waste. I can't sit stuck or idle even in my wheelchair..I keep trying new tricks..😆 whirling and moving around!
Honestly, I have stopped waiting for the perfect time – I just simply start and stop whenever I want. So You can change or stay the same. You can make the best or the worst of today. It’s up to you, so make the best of it.
Like the wheelchair stunt I have introduced many things in my life that startle me...make me feel things I've never felt before😨.
With all these pain, never ending fatigue, and unexpected intermittent disabilities my mission is to live a life I am proud of.
☆Holding on to old pain is self-abuse.
My past has given me the strength and wisdom I have today, so m celebrating it. I am putting in all efforts to stop my memories of healthy past haunt me. Replaying my old life memories over and over in my head is a form of self-abuse... So I am trying to make peace with myself and my past.
The more I focus on old memories and future challenges due to my disabled state, the more I attract what I fear into my present happy moments. So that way I become your own worst enemy.
☆ Moving on creates positive change.
CONFESSION!!! I was somewhere blaming everyone and everything for my present state, and kept cribbing “Poor me! Why do all these crappy things keep happening to me?” But then I realised in all these scenarios 'I' was the only common element. So that's the GOOD news, because it means I alone have the power to change things, or change the way I think about things.
That makes me powerful and has liberated me to a great extent!
So that's how I surrendered to change and embraced it!
Begining of my personal growth and evolution...is it not?😇
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