Oh lord narasimha!
help me to be calm and do my karma,
ease my mind of the noise within
quiten my soul so that I can hear
when my soul is trembling in fear and feeling alarmed
I pray you give me a tiny space in your mighty arms!
when I feel abandoned in the battlefield which I know is ur creation to train me,
I know every arrow that comes towards me
will be crushed under your powerful heels!
I understood the magnitude of the battle I was fighting
when I became aware of the power and intensity of your blessings!
you have changed my storm into a whisper
and have stilled my waves,
I pray you increase my thirst and hunger
for meditating and treading on ur words!
Oh lord narasimha! the might, ferocious yet most loving,
I know you have planned up something,
or else I wouldn't be fighting,
this hard a battle which you want me to win!
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