Offlate I have been accused of my posts being all about me and my illness and hence attention-seeking. Attempts have been made to label me as weak spirited and negative minded as I apparently talk too much about my illnesses... making it more like "whining" and that I should focus more of positive aspects of life.
So why do I continue to talk about my experiences and why am I so adamant on spreading awareness about this rare disorder? Simply because there is none to advocate for myasthenics like me! No one appears to have heard about this disorder so I obviously dont expect ads giving out information about this illness on TV or any such forum. Now, with the help of Internet, there is an opportunity to wade off ignorance on this illness!
And so in response to all those who think I am "whining" or "negative" here's what I would like to humbly submit:
I shall continue to post and share posts that may help me or another soul who is suffering and battling with life like me. I shall also continue to post my opinion to raise awareness on myasthenia gravis and also to stop people from judging and making them understand about the barriers faced by people with invisible illnesses in every step of their life.
I am very sure though supported my limited knowledge, that the count of MG patients is much higher in reality than the figures publicised so far.
And so..
since to beat the drum for us myasthenics there are none
I decided to do it loudly on my own!
Hope you are with me to put our senses together to spread Awareness on this rare autoimmune disorder and help those ignorant before it is too late!
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